Мы содействуем становлению и развитию финансового сектора в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ, помогаем финансовым институтам добиться успеха, стабильности и процветания.


Целесообразность каждого из них необходимо оценивать сугубо с учетом поставленных задач, текущего состояния действующего бизнес-процесса, уровня квалификации персонала, уровня занятости основных специалистов и т.д. Положительные примеры реализации проекта есть как по любой из перечисленных форм сотрудничества с консультационными компаниями,

Credit technologies are the methods and techniques used to conduct credit operations. In other words, a credit technology covers all transactions that take place in a bank, from development of a loan product to repayment of loan by a customer. Modern credit technologies have brought a lot of innovations into the world of credit. It should be borne in mind that we regard as new credit technologies not only recently created ways of lending, but also those which have migrated to us from the capitalist West.

The new credit technologies include:

  • Overdrafts;
  • Overtrading;
  • Leasing;
  • Factoring;
  • Forfaiting;
  • Investment lending, project finance and other innovations or new approaches to old credit technologies.

Almost all new credit technologies were borrowed from Western lending practices. However, it is worth noting that using them without adaptation to our conditions is impossible.

Overdraft lines of credit were introduced in banking relatively recently. A large number of difficulties had to be overcome on the way of this loan product to the domestic consumer. People were finding it difficult to overcome the psychological barrier that they can spend more money than they really have. The problem was solved only after salaries were no longer given in cash and people started using bank cards. As of the date, every fifth bank card user has an open overdraft line of credit.

Introduction of modern lending technologies is a complex and continuous process, which means that it can only be considered in dynamics. We have covered only the top of the iceberg. To understand all that is currently happening in the area of lending technologies you need to plunge yourself into the topic.

If you are interested in the programs on modern lending technologies, please call +7 (812) 498 65 80. TA Consult experts will answer your questions. 

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