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MSME Framework Extension: Institution Building and Strengthening Loan Procedures for SME Loans (EBRD Project)(Belarus)

Customer/Client:  Intesa Sanpaolo Formazione S.c.p.a.
Period of realization:  11/09/2008 - 31/12/2009
Country:  Belarus

Project description: assistance to the new PBs, in particular to Minsk Transit Bank and Belrosbank, to further develop lending practices of SME projects and support in loan appraisal and credit approval processes aimed at strengthening loan officers’ credit skills and development of good quality SME loan portfolios. Under the assignment the Consultant developed and implemented the processes for assessing and monitoring EBRD funded SME projects.


  • EBRD lending technology and environmental procedures have been successfully implemented;
  • Good quality loan portfolio has been developed and maintained;
  • Seminars in SME lending, ratio analysis, cash flow analysis, stress testing, economic area analysis, EBRD environmental policy were carried out;
  • Loan officers were trained during classroom seminars and ‘on-the-job’;
  • The Bank was assisted in credit structuring, product development and loan product marketing focused on SME loans.  

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