Мы содействуем становлению и развитию финансового сектора в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ, помогаем финансовым институтам добиться успеха, стабильности и процветания.


Целесообразность каждого из них необходимо оценивать сугубо с учетом поставленных задач, текущего состояния действующего бизнес-процесса, уровня квалификации персонала, уровня занятости основных специалистов и т.д. Положительные примеры реализации проекта есть как по любой из перечисленных форм сотрудничества с консультационными компаниями,

 “Urgent matters are normally not the most important,

and important ones are not the most urgent"

D. Eisenhower

The main rule in time management is not to have time to do all things but the time to do the most important things. Not a single person has yet managed to fulfil all tasks, as their number is always bigger than the time available. The most important is to do the main things - something that gives 80% of the overall result.

Time management is able to not only deal with the administrative workaholism - it will help anyone develop unique techniques of self-organization, a special individual working rhythm. Specialists - time managers are now working as consultants for large and small businesses, effectively solving problems that were previously considered a consequence of the "human factor", which means - almost unsolvable.

Understanding the basics of time management will help to take another look at himself not only a for business person, but also for the normal average citizen who wants to do something new and pursues to discover other horizons.

All time management comes down to three components: Plan, Highlight the Main Thing and Act.

Peter Drucker said: "The manager does things right and the leader does the" right things."

The survey of 2,500 senior executives in Europe and the United States revealed that German managers spend 70 hours per week at work, English - 60 hours, U.S. - 58 hours.

Meetings and staff conferences are today the most dangerous "time killers", occupying up to 65% ​​of the working time. At the same time 80% of managers complain about having to organize such events and believe that they lose up to 30% of their time on them.

Studies show that 36% (78 days) of working time is wasted every year. The main reason for that experts call insufficient planning and lack of control. Senior managers spend almost half of their time for administration and paperwork, rather than management.

The “Rule of Six Ps" reads: the Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Planning and thinking should always be done on paper. If the task is not written on paper, it does not exist. The list of tasks is a kind of map that will not let you stray from the path to the target.

Working with a list of things to do during the first day increases productivity by 25%. Prepare the list of things to do for tomorrow the evening before. Arriving at work the next day, you will always know where to start your day.

Continue working with the made list during the day: when a new matter appears, make it to the list with priority over previously scheduled tasks. After completing the task form the list, be sure to cross it out. This will give you a sense of satisfaction with your work, will add enthusiasm and energy.

Plan from larger to smaller things to do, from long term to short-term, from the purpose of life to the plan for the day. Assign fixed deadlines to each task.

Always divide a big challenge into smaller sub-tasks. Making a decision tree may help here, where the key challenge is a tree and sub-task to accomplish it are the branches. Continue "branching" until the process of solving the whole challenge is simple and clear.

Before you start doing something, think about the rule of 10/90: 10% of the time spent on planning before commencing solving the task will save you 90% of the time for solution.

All matters can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Urgent and important,
  2. Important but not urgent,
  3. Urgent but not important,
  4. Not urgent and not important.

This classification method is named after the American president and is called (window, principle) of Eisenhower.

The purpose of time management is to identify the main thing in time. Setting priorities can effectively manage the list of identified tasks, assigning each task with its level of importance.

Start by addressing the priority tasks and fulfil them successively, that is one thing in a certain period of time. Throwing the task away and returning to it again and again you reduce your efficiency by 5 times.

Mozart could work on three songs at the same time and create real masterpieces. But this is an exception rather than the rule. Bach, Haydn and Verdi could only work on one piece at a time. They did not start working on the next piece without finishing the previous one.

Use the law of forced efficiency, which says that all the time is never enough, but it is always enough for the most important things. Therefore, it is important to get together and in the first place force oneself to do those things that will bring the greatest benefit and result.

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