Мы содействуем становлению и развитию финансового сектора в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ, помогаем финансовым институтам добиться успеха, стабильности и процветания.


Целесообразность каждого из них необходимо оценивать сугубо с учетом поставленных задач, текущего состояния действующего бизнес-процесса, уровня квалификации персонала, уровня занятости основных специалистов и т.д. Положительные примеры реализации проекта есть как по любой из перечисленных форм сотрудничества с консультационными компаниями,

Introduction to Credit Scoring: Development and Strategy Training

On 15-16 July 2013 TA Consult delivered a 2-days’ training in Credit Scoring for Belarusian banks. 17 representatives from nine Belarusian banks participated in the training. TA Consult expert covered such topics as introduction and review of scoring models, preparation of data for analysis, models validation and calibration, scoring application and implementation strategies. The theoretical lectures were supported by real life examples, case studies and practical exercises. The training was attended by credit risk management staff, loan product development staff, credit staff.

The training was planned as the first introductory event to a series of trainings devoted to scoring and covering each aspect of the topic in more details. The follow-up trainings will be held in a computer class, where all the participants will have a chance to practice with scoring models using a PC.

The follow-up trainings are to be organized in September – December 2013 in Minsk.

Scoring for Belarusian banks

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