Мы содействуем становлению и развитию финансового сектора в странах Восточной Европы и СНГ, помогаем финансовым институтам добиться успеха, стабильности и процветания.
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Целесообразность каждого из них необходимо оценивать сугубо с учетом поставленных задач, текущего состояния действующего бизнес-процесса, уровня квалификации персонала, уровня занятости основных специалистов и т.д. Положительные примеры реализации проекта есть как по любой из перечисленных форм сотрудничества с консультационными компаниями,
1 August 2015, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Turkmenistan: Strengthening Capacities of Financial Intermediaries for MSME Lending project financed by EBRD’s multi-donor Early Transition Countries Fund and implemented by TA Consult was prolonged for two years as of July 26th 2015.
TA Consult started implementation of the project in Turkmenistan at Garagum Bank one year ago on July 26th 2014.
During the first year of the project implementation TA Consult introduced microlending and expanded the MSME lending activities from Ashgabat to the regions of Turkmenistan. MSME lending was launched in Lebap and Mary. During this period 16 loans for the amount of USD 2,236,209 were processed and disbursed in accordance with the MSME lending methodology. Eight loan officers and eight managers (Credit Committee members) at Garagum Bank were trained by TA Consult experts in financial analysis, credit risk management, EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy, etc.
During the first year of the project implementation TA Consult was actively engaged in policy dialogue with the Turkmenistan Government on MSMEs and access to finance issues and was successful in streamlining lending procedures in order to remove some of the obstacles to efficient MSME lending in Turkmenistan.
7 September 2022
The programme to strengthen Azerbaijani financial institutions, funded by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Union and Türkiye, successfully completed.
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TA Consult starts implementation of Uzbekistan: Food Safety Review Project
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TA Consult starts implementation of Diagnostics Project with Moldova Agroindbank (MAIB)
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