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Целесообразность каждого из них необходимо оценивать сугубо с учетом поставленных задач, текущего состояния действующего бизнес-процесса, уровня квалификации персонала, уровня занятости основных специалистов и т.д. Положительные примеры реализации проекта есть как по любой из перечисленных форм сотрудничества с консультационными компаниями,

Training: «MSME Lending Technology and Fundamentals of MSME Financial Analysis (Basic Level)»

Target audience:

· credit staff (managers and employees) and support staff

Our training: how do you benefit from it?

· You will find out specifics of lending technology in dealing with MSME borrowers

· review credit cycle and specifics of attracting and communication with MSME clients

· will be trained to use basic tools for financial analysis of MSME borrowers

· reviewing approaches to loan collateral, loan monitoring and delinquency management

· will be aware about the risk of fraud in MSME lending

· will reinforce the knowledge gained by studying practical examples and solving problems


Day 1 (8 hours)

Main principles of financial support to MSMEs

· target group

· credit products

· credit technology

Credit Cycle in MSME financing

· specifics of communication psychology and attracting clients

· effective interaction “loan officer - client”

· site visits: importance and specific features

· specifics of client’s social analysis

Practical Part

· Role plays, working in groups (active sales, communication with clients)

· Testing of credit experts

Day 2 (8 hours)

Financial Analysis and its main instruments

· making a “momentary” Balance Sheet

· P&L Statement

· Cash Flow Statement

· interrelation of main financial statements

· cross-checking, how it is performed and used

· ratio analysis: ratios used for financial analysis and for taking decisions on lending

Loan Collateral

· types of collateral

· collateral assessment

Practical Part

· Financial analysis: problem solution

· Role plays (analysis of businesses)

Day 3 (8 hours)

Credit Committee, its structure and functions

Loan Monitoring

· principles, types and means of monitoring

· stages of loan monitoring

Delinquency Management

· reasons

· prevention

Fraud Prevention

· Examples

· Ways of prevention

Interaction of Middle and Back Offices in servicing clients and portfolio management

Practical Part

· Conducting a trial credit committee meeting based on practical cases

Additional description:

· Duration of the training is 2-3 days (16-24 hours) subject to specific client’s needs.

The training is carried out in an interactive way and is supported by case studies, role plays and problem solving. Participants are provided with training materials.

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